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First Amendment Legend Mary Beth Tinker Fights for Student Rights Across the Country
Mary Beth Tinker, the plaintiff in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969), is a First Amendment legend. The...
Arizona Redistricting
Although not a new issue, redistricting has become highly contentious again, this time in Arizona. In more than half of the states in...
Prosecuting Rape in Armed Conflict
With the introduction of Common Article 3 in 1949, crimes against humanity in non-international conflict became illegal under...
The Controversy of Domestic Surveillance Programs
Following the wake of the NSA leaks, the legality of the surveillance techniques of local and federal agencies throughout the United...
Headscarf Bans in France and Religious Freedom
With Islamic extremism becoming more and more of a hot-topic in European politics and everyday life, the French headscarf ban debate has...
Alabama’s Controversy over Same-Sex Marriage
Since the 2013 decision from the Supreme Court to strike down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act [1], 37 states and the District of...
And the Nominees Are… Best Court Case of the Supreme Court Term
The Academy Awards are coming up on Feb. 22. But what really needs an awards ceremony is this blockbuster Supreme Court term. The Supreme...
Trade Promotion Authority: The Voluntary Cession of Major Constitutional Authority From Congressiona
Introduction In a historically unproductive Congress,[1] one policy area of tremendous legal consequence is on a fast track to becoming...
Juror Selection in High-Profile Capital Punishment Cases
The long-awaited Boston Marathon trial in the Federal Court of the District of Massachusetts has been further delayed, but not only due...
Elonis v. United States: The First Supreme Court Case About Social Media and the Freedom of Speech
The Supreme Court heard a case on Dec. 1 about a man who was convicted in 2010 on four counts for writing threatening posts on his...
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